I immersed myself in Epiphanie after my daughter was born in 2018. As a restless spirit, owing to my Gemini ascending, Mercury chart ruler, I’d look at this little human as she lay in my arms and wonder," Who are you? What will you become?" This is when I completely absorbed myself in the study of astrology and Human Design. I believe by combining and blending these two systems you receive the most detailed, accurate map of yourself. Astrology gives you an expansive overview of your life which is then complimented by tangible, detailed insights from Human Design. When you're presented with both sets of cosmic codes you're able to make choices most aligned with your natural abilities and energy.

I now offer this lucidity to all.

Hello! Thanks for being here...

Epiphanie is the manifestation of the statement ‘reach for the stars’. Are you willing to find your stars, the gifts you brought into this lifetime?
By gaining a deep understanding of yourself you can live in alignment with who you truly are, who you were destined to be. 

Stay open to all life's beautiful possibilities 


It's your life, you get to decide which paths to take


Release yourself from self-limiting beliefs and egoic restrictions.


A hunger for self-discovery and growth


Epiphanie's beliefs...

there's magic in you,
I'm here to help you find it.

If you're cosmically curious and love all things magical and spiritual follow and tag me in! #epiphanie.magic 


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