Why epiphanie?

What are your natural gifts? What lights you up and makes you happy? Are you attracted to certain types of people, or do you keep repeating patterns in your life? When do you feel your physical best and when do you feel depleted of vitality? If you’re not sure, would like direction or reassurance then this is the reason why I created Epiphanie.

By analysing both your astrological birth chart and Human Design charts I will find answers to all of the above and more. The two systems can’t fix your earthly problems but they are brilliant in offering perspective. Human Design acts as a practical guide on how to approach day-to-day life choices and interactions, whilst astrology offers us a holistic view. Astrology encompasses all facets and stages of life, the chart is a guide and holds significant clues about your potential and direction in this lifetime.

The truth is you don’t need me, you have the answers yourself, we all do, it's called intuition. I know from personal experience though how easy it is to doubt our inner voice. That’s the beauty of astrology and Human Design, when you’re presented with tangible, highly personalised information it gives you something to anchor yourself to. You feel understood and seen, perhaps for the first time in your life.

You won’t find anything you’re looking for until you find yourself. 

the choice is yours

Ask yourself what's brought you here. Are you looking for clarity or direction in your life or simply want to get to know yourself better?

I will ask for your level of understanding on both systems and tailor your Map report accordingly.
You may decide that it would be helpful to have me talk you through the detail.

As well as your cosmic map report I offer two additional services. An recorded audio guide whereby I talk through your report or you can book an appointment and we can discuss in person. Both services are offered below or at check-out. You also don't have to decide at point of Map purchase you can request once in receipt of your report.




Every Map report has contextual information on both astrology and human design.
 I break everything down in detail and ensure all analyses are comprehensible.

A recorded guide or appointment is supplementary not essential. 

"I recommend Epiphanie unreservedly to anyone looking for deeper connection with themselves or a loved one.."



Your astrological trinity (Sun, Moon & Ascending) in detail includes house placement and aspects analysis
Chart analysis on how element, modality, and polarity influence your personality
Ruling planet & how it impacts your life
Any standout characteristics within the chart to highlight 

Your Human Design trinity in detail
Type (how you generate & use energy)
Strategy (How you communicate, respond & react)
Authority (how you make decisions)
Description of your profile (personality)
Analysis of your 9 energy centres 
Definition (how you process information & interact with others)

Themes, gifts and opportunities identified across both charts 

your cosmic trinity map

sign me up!

A 45+ page report, includes deep analysis of the foundational trinities from your natal birth chart and Human Design chart.  


Here's what I would create for you...


Audio Guide of your report

This service is an audio recording where I talk you through the details of your report. I will embellish and emphasise aspects of my work as I flow through the pages. You will receive a URL link to access the recording. You can purchase an audio recording at the point of ordering your report or at a later date.


Sign me up!

Sign me up!

1:1 appointment

One hour video call where we have the chance to go deeper into the findings. I will record our time together and send you the link for further reflection. You can purchase an appointment at the point of ordering your Map or at a later date.


Sign me up!

What information is needed to create a birthchart and human design chart?

To produce the most accurate report I will need the exact time, place and date of your birth. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is time of birth important?

The planets move at different speeds and without an accurate time it's not possible to know their exact location on your natal wheel. The planets are aspects of our personality and if placed in the wrong sign and/ or house, sections of the report are unlikely to resonate with you. The sign in which the Ascendant is located moves every couple of hours for example. This is one of the most important features within the birth chart as the Ascendant is our identity.


what astrological systems do you work with?

I work with both traditional Hellenistic and Modern astrology. I find Wholesign most accurate (traditional) and do recognise the modern ruling planets. 

how long will it take to compile my report?

Depending on how many reports I'm working on at anyone time I aim to complete within two weeks. If there are any delays I will be in touch and keep you updated.

There are a few things you can do to find your time of birth. Firstly speak with family members and see if they can recall, this is the easiest route. Perhaps people have forgotten but it was written down at the time. Try locating family documents such a baby book if your caregivers kept one, old journals or if any notes were made on the back of your baby pictures. Birth certificates don't generally record birth time unfortunately (there are exceptions by country). The other option is to have your chart rectified, this is when an astrologer will plot major life events as close to the moment when they happened to you and retrospectively build your chart. This is not a service I offer.

Absolutely! And there is no time limit on when you can request these additional services either. 

Can I purchase an audio guide or video appointment post receiving my report with you?

are you open to receiving bespoke report requestS?

Yes, please drop me an email via the CONNECT tab with your brief and I'll be in touch. 

can i book a 1:1 reading with you but not purchase a report?

The joy and satisfaction I receive from my work is providing people with revelatory clarity and direction in their life. To find these sparks of insight a report must be compiled and both systems decoded and analysed first.  


Definitely, a bespoke, personalised cosmic report would be a wonderful gift for someone. You will need to enquire about their accurate birth data first.

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Epiphanie is not legally responsible for any and all actions taken by the client. Epiphanie does not offer, provide or imply any guarantees, warranties or assurances of any kind and is not responsible for any interpretation, use or actions taken by the recipient based upon the information shared. Any advice, conversation or information that you receive is strictly open to your own personal interpretation.

Any insights, analyses, or guidance are not a substitute for advice, programs, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional. You should always consult a professional such as a Doctor, Psychologist and Lawyer for any medical or legal advice.

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