There's a crack in everything,
that's how the light gets in.
There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
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The planets never stay still, they are forever moving which is why we all have our own unique birth chart. As the planets move they interact with placements on our natal chart which is why we all experience similar ‘life themes’ at certain ages. Some planets move quickly like Mercury which takes three weeks to […]
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla Energy is the key to everything; without it, it can at times feel like you’re battling yourself and life is hard work. Energy is defined simply as our capacity to do work. I’m not someone […]
Human Design is one of the most fascinating systems available if you want to decode yourself. It’s a synthesis of systems which will provide you with your own personalised guide to living your most optimal, healthy, fulfilled life.
I did something recently I’ve been wanting to do for years; I had my aura read. I first learnt about auras in my late teens and had since wondered what my energetic body looked like and would reveal! Before I elaborate on the experience I should explain what an aura is. In scientific terms, an […]
In both Astrology and Human Design there are the foundational Trinities, three core components to reading and understanding a person’s chart. These Trinities hold vital clues about who we innately are. Once we become aware of our trinities we can live in emotional and physical harmony and better understand our impulses and motivations.
It’s our most primitive reflex, from the moment we’re born our bodies instinctually know how to breathe. We do it passively throughout our lives but how we breathe can change our physiology and psychology. It’s also known to aid spiritual awakenings too, helping people connect back to who they truly are. And it’s free! Are […]
We’re all born with additional sensory abilities, gifts that defy our rational, logical minds. These abilities can be hard to fathom and explain so are often dismissed. These subtle sensory clues are our body’s way of getting our attention
“As traumatised children, we always dreamed that someone would come save us. We never dreamed that it would, in fact, be ourselves as adults.” Alice Little. We’re all born innocent, curious, and in need of love and care. We’re also born with a temperament; our innate traits. Temperament is unconscious and instinctual and doesn’t depend […]
Why is it that when we know what’s good for us too often we deny ourselves the very things that are essential for our well-being? That was me several years ago, I was in complete denial. My life was work, I was either at work, thinking about work or worrying about work. I told myself […]
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung. Do you wonder why certain situations, people or behaviours trigger you? Have you ever considered perhaps your reaction is more telling than the scenario you find yourself in? That trigger is an aspect of your character called your shadow. The […]
Do you know what the odds were of you being born? It’s 1 in 400 trillion! The number is so microscopic it’s considered effectively zero, meaning you’re a miracle. Every person born is unique, the qualities and talents you possess, those you were born with or have cultured are special and particular to you. You’re […]
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