Limitless living, living authentically and true to yourself

Limitless Living

Life coaching, Personal development

Do you know what the odds were of you being born?

It’s 1 in 400 trillion!

The number is so microscopic it’s considered effectively zero, meaning you’re a miracle. Every person born is unique, the qualities and talents you possess, those you were born with or have cultured are special and particular to you. You’re a gift to this world! So why don’t we remind ourselves daily of that fact and live more joyously?

What would a truly exceptional, limitless life look like to you?

Consider the people within your orbit, and how you invest your resources, time, energy, and money. Physically how would you present yourself to the world? What would your legacy look like? What if I suggested the dream life you’ve just conjured up isn’t ambitious or bold enough? What if I challenged you to reimagine it all but this time amplify, then again and again. What would that life look like, what possibilities await you there?

Modern neuroscience now understands our brains continue to change throughout our lives, the process is called neuroplasticity. New neural pathways mainly found in the hippocampus (the part of the brain where we store new memories) can be formed. Dysfunctional thoughts and behaviours can be overridden by exposing the brain to repeated new thoughts, activities, and environments. The process is called ‘rewiring.’

The neuroscientist and author of the book The Source Dr Tara Swart writes “Visualisation helps us to channel the law of attraction, and to act from a perspective of abundance and optimism. It works by raising our awareness, directing focused attention to the things we want most in life, and overcoming the brain’s desire to protect itself from new or difficult situations.”

Dr Tara suggests in her book The Source there are three factors which help create the biggest positive change in our brains. Firstly by exposing the brain to novelty, it helps stimulate neuron growth. Experiences such as travelling somewhere new, meeting new people, and learning a new language. Exercise helps too, through the realise of endorphins new neuron growth is stimulated and finally emotional stimulation, intense emotions have a powerful impact on the brain.

Do you catch yourself saying things internally or aloud such as I can’tI don’t haveI’m just not…  I’ve already tried…I’m afraidMarie Forleo the American entrepreneur, life coach and bestselling author of Everything is Figureoutable says it’s all about mindset. “Two four-letter words that can help us annihilate our excuses are can’t vs. won’t,” Forleo says. “ninety-nine per cent of the time, when any of us say we can’t do something, can’t is a euphemism for won’t. And what does won’t mean? It means we’re not willing.” Next time you find yourself feeling restricted or fearful try instead I’m willing to…I can…I do have…

Cosmic clues for Limitless Living.

  1. Following Dr Stwart’s advice I’m adding neuroplasticity into the rulership of the ninth house. The ninth house rules long-distance travel and higher education all things which expand our minds. Look to your ninth house to see what possibilities await you there.
  2. The condition of your sun and Ascendant are going to have a strong bearing on how you perceive yourself, the signs, houses and aspects affecting both will determine how bold you are in this life.
  3. Your dominant element (the form your energy moves in) and modality (how your energy moves) will also have a bearing on how you approach life.
  4. The condition of the planet Jupiter in your chart is something to review, Jupiter represents luck, joy, success and growth.
  5. Your North Node in your chart illustrates what qualities we have to expand, gifts at our disposal and purpose waiting to be fulfilled.
  6. In Human Design spend time analysing your Profile numbers for a deeper understanding of your character. These numbers help illuminate how you’ll travel on your life path.
  7. Also find out your Incarnation Cross, this is your life’s purpose. An important key to unlocking and realising your potential.

Here are some other techniques you can use to help shift your thinking and move towards a more limitless existence.

  1. Notice when you say a negative, limiting belief either aloud or internally about yourself. Acknowledge it and ask yourself if it’s true.
  2. Try and reframe your negative thoughts, what would the opposite thought or reality be? Sit in that space for a while, how does that feel, and ask yourself could that be true?
  3. Sometimes we have to see it to believe it, seek out people you admire and wish to emulate. Are they someone you could have direct contact with, can they help guide or mentor you towards your goal/s?
  4. Write (in detail) exactly what your limitless life would look like, then write actionable steps (big and small) you can take towards making it your reality.

Final thought…

The only real limitations in this life are the ones we put on ourselves. They may have initially been suggested by an outsider, but we get to decide whether we choose to accept them or not. Why would you want to settle for anything less than exceptional if this is your only window of time in all of time to be you? Do you know what is scarier than change? Regret.

Whatever the mind can conceive the mind can achieve. If you’re dreaming it you’re already halfway there.

Act on this momentum by ordering your own personalised cosmic report which will help springboard you towards your most limitless existence!

Photo credit Rebecca Douglas 


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