Profile image of a woman whose form is replicated several times to convey different layers of her being

Good Vibrations

Human Design, Personal development

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

Energy is the key to everything; without it, it can at times feel like you’re battling yourself and life is hard work. Energy is defined simply as our capacity to do work.

I’m not someone who springs out of bed each morning and my energy definitely ebbs and flows. So, when I learnt about Human Design and how within your chart you can see how your specific energy is generated, released and recharged this excited me.

Everything in the universe is made up of energy, all things are vibrating at different frequencies. The higher your vibrational frequency, the lighter and more positive you will feel in your physical, mental and emotional body. Who doesn’t want to be living in a more joyful and peaceful state?

The work of David R. Hawkins on this subject is fascinating. He was an author, psychiatrist, physician, and spiritual teacher who measured and matched the vibrational frequency of our emotions. In his book Power vs. Force, he explains how 99% of the world’s population is living in a contracted emotional state (measured below 200). Meaning almost all of us are suffering and just ‘getting by’. If we understood how to live optimally by harnessing and raising our vibrational frequency and energy imagine what we could all be capable of!

When people ask me, what is Human Design? My response is in its simplest form it’s a system that helps you understand how to use your energy effectively. Although Human Design encompasses much more than this, I think it’s a great starting point for those of us who lead busy lives and are always looking for ways to simplify. Learning about your specific energy can truly transform your life. Imagine how much easier things would be if you knew how to work with your energy instead of against it.

Just as in Astrology, every individual has their own unique Human Design chart, the chart reveals the following:

  1. Your specific energy Type tells you how you generate and burn through your energy. It’s your guide on how to apply your energy in work, relationships and life generally.
  2. Which of your energy centres (known also as the chakras) is most dominant and how that impacts your life.
  3. It also shows you which chakras you have access to consistent energy, those that may be inconsistent, and how each affects your overall state of being too.
  4. Your living, working and sleep environments for optimal health.
  5. It suggests how much physical activity suits you

Did you know there are other simple and quick things we can all do to increase our frequencies which helps generate more energy? Give some of the below a try on the days when you may feel a little flat.

  1. Move your body, dance, do yoga go for a run – release any stagnant energy and blocks
  2. Be kind and generous – think about how it feels when you smile at a stranger and they smile back. Or the boost you feel when you give your time or money to causes you care about.
  3. Listen to music that moves and uplifts you
  4. Be in nature – it’s proven that spending time in green spaces reduces your cortisol levels, our stress hormone.
  5. Sleep – give yourself the best chance of a good night’s sleep, everyone needs different amounts but on the whole, we should all aim for between 6-8 hours.
  6. Eat well – by this I mean eat the foods your body responds best to. If certain foods make you feel bloated or at all guilty, it’s just not worth it. High-vibrational foods such as seasonal fruit and vegetables are going to help raise your vibration and vibrancy.
  7. Watch the company you keep – ask yourself does this person boost your energy or do you feel depleted after spending time with them.
  8. No good comes from doom-scrolling or losing hours of your life on negative news sites. If you think you’re consuming more than you’re creating in life, consider a readjustment.
  9. Try to be grateful for your life and all that’s within it – this exercise has helped me enormously recently. Before I fall asleep I run through my day in my mind, I focus on all the good moments and achievements no matter how small and thank myself for what I accomplished and coped with. If nothing else it helps put you in a positive mindset to enter your dream state.
  10. Declutter your life and mind – what can you let go of that isn’t adding to your life and holding you back?
  11. Linked to the above, let go of resentment and grudges – I love this quote from Nelson Mandela “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” You are hurting yourself.
  12. Remember you are never alone – you are supported by your higher self and have access to that version of yourself if you quiet the mind and listen. Breathwork, meditation and walking in nature help you to access your spiritual self. All the answers and direction you’ll ever need are within you. It’s incredibly empowering and comforting.

Final thought….

For as long as I can remember I’ve always said to people ‘I’ll send you good vibes’ when they needed a boost. Trying to positively affect someone’s frequency (at a distance) is one thing but how we interact and treat others can make an enormous impact on them and us. It’s known as the butterfly or ripple effect; one small inconsequential detail or interaction can cascade and build positive momentum. What positive impact and legacy can you have on this world by focusing on your energy and frequency?

Like attracts like, what you put out into the world is what you receive in turn. It’s called manifesting, but I won’t elaborate further as this is a whole other topic for another day! I have some lovely examples of how I’ve manifested in my life I’d love to share.

If you’d like to harness and understand your unique energy I cover this within each individual, personalised report in plenty of detail.


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