A trinity of hands

The Cosmic Trinities

Astrology, Human Design

In both Astrology and Human Design there are the foundational Trinities to look for, three core components to reading and understanding a person’s chart. These Trinities hold vital clues about who we innately are. Once we become aware of our trinities we can live in emotional and physical harmony and better understand our impulses and motivations.

In Astrology we have the Sun, Moon and Ascending signs.

The Sun

The Sun in the chart represents our conscious self, your sun is where you’ll shine brightest in life, it’s your life force, your will, and your identity. You’re likely to already know your sun sign and perhaps some of its traits, but we’re all so much more than our sun sign!

The placement of your sun is where you’ll thrive, often people feel they embody more of their sun later in life.

The Moon

The Moon on the other hand is our unconscious self. The moon is the second brightest light in the chart, second to the sun. Understanding your moon is crucial to feeling fully nurtured and secure. The moon holds the shadowy aspects of yourself, traits you wouldn’t necessarily share with others, your inner world.

The moon also represents the relationship with your mother or caregivers, it holds memories of your lineage and past.

The Ascendant

The Ascendant (noted on the chart as AC) is the first house rising on the Eastern horizon at your moment of birth, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the Rising sign. The Ascendant will always appear in the 1st house on every person’s birth chart. The Ascendant is our external expression of self (our ego self), it’s how you world sees you and the first impression you make on others. It’s your personality and physicality. When we embody a balanced mix of our Sun and Ascendant characteristics (the moon prefers to keep itself hidden) this is the ideal expression of oneself.

As with your astrological birth chart, there are three main components within someone’s chart in Human Design these are our Type, Strategy and Authority. They are the core foundations to recognise and embrace and will enable a life of less resistance.


Firstly, there is something called our Type, someone’s Type is essentially how they generate and use energy. Once you understand your natural energy levels this unlocks how to best express your gifts and talents. 

There are 5 types, each approaches life very differently!

Manifestors are here to lead and initiate action in themselves and others. They make up approximately 9% of the total global population. Manifestors must have freedom to do things their own way. They should trust their urges and nudges and ride their energy waves which can be intensely active and buzzing with ideas but equally recognise when it’s time to retreat and restore their energy reserves.  

Generators have a bountiful life force and are here to get things done. They make up approximately a third of the global population. Given their high productivity levels, they have a tendency to say yes to everything before checking in with themselves if it’s something which excites them first. Generators need to learn how to create boundaries and go after things which make them feel expansive and joyful.

Manifesting Generators are a hybrid of Generator and Manifestor energy. They are multi-passionate, crazy productive and super quick accomplishers. They make up just over a third of the population. Man-Gen’s are operating best when they are constantly learning, evolving and growing, they don’t need to chase life as their energy will invite the opportunities in.

Projectors are our guides and advisors, their perception and insights are invaluable to us all. They make up approximately 20% of the population. Projectors have to be careful and preserve their precious energy, too often though they’ll try and operate like a Generator when they are not designed this way. Solitude and rest are crucially important for Projectors to restore and rebalance.

Finally Reflectors, they’re the most unique and unusual Type making up only 1% of the population. Reflectors are our oracles and mirrors, none of their energy centres are defined, they have no inner-authority meaning they absorb their environment and the people within it. A Reflector is our barometer for the health of society. It’s really important for Reflectors to spend time in places with people they feel most at ease with. They need to talk through their decisions at length and never react quickly to life.


The next pillar is something called our Strategy which is how we communicate, respond and react.

Manifestors need to inform, it’s not about asking for permission but simply keeping people in the loop of their plans. When they do, they find far less resistance. As a Manifestor I can absolutely concur to this but it doesn’t come easily to me, it’s conscious practice.

Generators need to wait to respond, they’re not designed to chase after things, opportunities in life will come to them and they’ll instinctively know when it feels right.

Manifestoing Generators given they are a blend of the Manifestor and Generator Types need to wait to respond and inform. They need to be driven by what ‘feels’ right not what they ‘think’ they should do.

Projectors have to wait to be invited, which sounds like an odd thing to say to someone on how they approach life. Similar to Generators in not chasing things nor should Projectors, they have such wisdom to share with the world but if they chase for an audience it will fall flat. When they feel recognition from others that is the time to initiate.

Finally Reflectors, this is perhaps the hardest strategy to follow, it’s advised Reflectors wait for a full lunar cycle before making big decisions. Now I appreciate nobody can wait 28 days on all life’s decisions but if you’re a Reflector try to give yourself time, don’t rush. No doubt your clarity and certainty will drop in especially if you seek out spaces and people who put you at ease.


The final pillar is our Authority, this is how we make decisions based on which one of the 9 energy centres is most dominant in your chart. They are:

The Solar Plexus – the centre which governs our EMOTIONS. You will have this authority if your Solar Plexus if defined.

Approximately 47% of the population fall into this category. This energy centre operates in waves, it’s important to recognise your moods (which are going to changeable!) and not be spontaneous or quick when making decisions or reacting. The expression “sleep on it” would serve someone with emotional authority well.

The Sacral – the centre for DESIRES. This will be your authority if your Sacral is defined but your Solar Plexus is not.

About 35% of the population operate with this authority. You are designed to follow your gut instincts, you will feel a pull in your tummy towards what is right for you. Be aware when your mind or others try to influence your decision making, for you its about listening to your inner knowing it’s always right for you.

The Spleen – the centre for INTITUION. If Your Spleen is defined but your Sacral and Solar Plexus are undefined this will be your authority.

11% of the population have this authority. The spleen is the oldest of the energy centres, it’s our survival instincts and people with this authority absolutely should react quickly and in the moment. If you wait the mind could start to interfere and throw you off course.

The Heart (also known as Ego or Will) – the centre for MOTIVATION. If your Solar Plexus, Sacral and Spleen are all undefined but your Heart is defined and connected to the Throat this will be your authority.

This is a rare authority only 1% of the population has it, people with this authority should listen to their heart’s desires. The expression “if your heart is not in it” is correct for them. The Heart Centre is one of the manifestation centres, others will see how powerful these people can be so it’s important for someone with this authority not to commit to the desires of others but be led by their own heart. It’s a very personal and powerful authority to live by.

The Self – the centre for IDENTITY. If your Identity centre is connected to the throat and no other dominant energy centres are defined in the chart this is your authority.

About 3% of the population have this authority and it’s only for a Projector. People with this authority have an inner knowing, it may not make sense to themselves or those around them which makes it perhaps the hardest of the authorities to grasp. The realisation and answers may present themselves subtly and people with this authority might find it hard to explain why they know what they do. Once they become aware this is how to direct their life this trust muscle will grow.

Lunar Cycle – this is when either the Crown, Mind and Throat is defined and all other centres are undefined or when the whole chart is undefined.

This is a very unique and unusual authority with just over 1% of the population having it. People with this authority will need to seek external resources and perspectives before coming to their own conclusions. It is therefore so important they take their time when making decisions. This is why it’s called the Lunar Cycle authority as its about waiting (ideally) 28 day’s before taking action. These people are best served to research, consult others, apply their own filter and then finally take action.

Once you’ve established and integrated your Type, Strategy and Authority, you can start to explore the deeper layers and finer points of your character contained in the profile, centres, channels and gates.

These are the fundamentals to locking your cosmic codes and once you’ve been introduced to them, and consciously live by their direction life is infinitely easier!


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