A picture of someone's aura

Aura Reading

Human Design, spirituality

I did something recently I’ve been wanting to do for years; I had my aura read. I first learnt about auras in my late teens and had since wondered what my energetic body looked like and would reveal!

Before I elaborate on the experience I should explain what an aura is. In scientific terms, an aura is an electromagnetic field believed to be made of light that radiates from an object. Every aura has depth (distance it can travel), colour/s, and vibrations (intensity of its influence). We all can see and read auras, so if you’re intrigued and want to give it a try, here are some tips.

You can do this on yourself or others.

  1. Stand behind a white wall ideally in natural daylight
  2. Rest your eyes, un-focus your gaze and look towards the outline of your body.
  3. Give yourself sometime to just gaze and you should start to see a white halo appear which hovers above the outline of your frame.
  4. Once you see the halo, keep gazing and additional colour/s may start to appear, this is your aura.

If you’re lucky enough to see colours the next thing you’ll want to know is what each colour signifies. Aura colours have specific meanings and can tell us important things about the balance of our physical and mental health. Another interesting point to note, the colours relate to our chakra energy centres. If you have open or blocked chakras this will become apparent in the reading.

The Chakra’s – the seven energy centres in the body and their respective colours.

Red (Root chakra) ZEST FOR LIFE

You’re likely an energic, fiery personality, who operates at lightning speed. Bold in character, a natural leader.

Orange (Sacral chakra) CHANGE MAKER

Orange indicates a creative, adventurous, sexual person. Someone open to experimentation.

Yellow (Solar plexus chakra) A SUNNY DISPOSITION

If you see yellow you’re likely to have an optimistic outlook on life. A personable, likeable personality whose content within themselves.

Green (Heart chakra) BIG-HEARTED

If you see lots of green you are extremely compassionate and loving towards all living things, people, animals, and plants. You have a natural healing energy too.

Pink (Heart chakra) PLAYFUL & LOVING

If you see pink you’re likely to be kind, caring and loving in nature. Your approach to life is often playful and light-hearted. You’re someone who can give and receive love easily.

Blue (Throat chakra) TRUTH SPEAKER

The throat chakra acts as the bridge between the heart and the crown. If you have lots of blue you have a powerful mind and need to express the truth. You’re an advocate for others, compelled to use your voice for peace and harmony. Blues are also often very calm in nature.

Indigo (Third eye chakra) THE MYSTICAL EMPATH

If you see Indigo in your aura you have strong psychic abilities but need to be aware and protect your aura as you have the tendency to absorb others’ emotions. You see and feel other people’s energies and can take them on as your own.  Likely to be sensitive in nature.

Purple (Crown chakra) NOT OF THIS WORLD

If your aura is purple you have strong psychic, empathic and intuitive skills. You may feel a disassociation with your body, and more at peace when connected to spiritual realms.

White (Crown chakra) ANGELIC

White as a colour is made from all the colours in the spectrum; you, therefore, are vibrating at a higher level and are of pure light. To see white is rare. Someone with white is connected to universal energy they will have a strong sense of being connected to something bigger than themselves.

Rainbow – BUZZING

Most people’s auras are a combination of one to two colours, if you see several (4 to 6) it means you’re going through a busy period of life and are transitioning. It’s a sign of a very healthy aura! You’re likely to feel energised so now is a good time to try new things and meet new people.  



Black isn’t a colour so if you see it within your aura it’s a sign your energy body is fatigued and/or blocked. Take time to rest and heal.

Brown/ Grey – RESET

If you see brown or grey it means you’ve absorbed the energies of others who’ve muddied your auric field. You will need to reset your own energy boundaries and clear your energy field.

If you see any black, brown or grey or any of the colours appear muted here are some things you can do to help clear and unblock yoiur chakras:

  1. There are specific yoga postures which can help unblock chakras and move trapped energy. Depending on which of your chakras needs support will depend on which poses to practice. There is ample information available out there, my favourite yoga duo who I practice with are Boho Beautiful – Official Website & Store
  2. Breathing practices can also help encourage the flow of energy around the body. Have a read of my journal on breathing techniques to get you started.
  3. Meditation is also brilliant, sending conscious thoughts and intentions to the areas within your body that need love and care.

My aura reading experience

I’ve attempted to read my aura over the years and whilst I register the white halo to date I haven’t seen colours. I’d read about photographic technology which captures an individual’s aura and was fascinated what my picture would reveal. So, when I was last in London I visited The Aura Photo Clinic and met a lovely man called Sankar who took my picture.

I was seated and asked to rest my hand on a sensory pad then look straight down the lens of the camera. Seconds later my image and a detailed report were ready. Sankar then kindly talked me through what the camera had just captured.

I was unaware until my reading but the aura to your left-hand side represents what’s coming into your life and your right is its current expression. Currently, my aquamarine tone means I’m out to save the world apparently! Turquoise to my left means I have a period of great compassion, tranquillity and healing to look forward too.

The report showed me each of my 7 chakras were balanced and free-flowing with energy. I saw which colours reside in each chakra and was gratified to learn I’m a mix of white, blue and a little green.

I also learnt that my spirit is dominant (73%) of my aura versus my mind or body. This translates as my artistic projects, self-expression, and spiritual life are most important to me. My psychic abilities and synchronistic experiences could be truly miraculous too. This news was perhaps the most uplifting and reassuring of all.

Aura in the cosmic charts

In Human Design there are five different energy Types, and each one’s aura operates in very a different, unique way.

Manifestors auras are closed, they are not affected by other people’s auras. Non-manifestors will feel the effects of a closed aura, in Human design you will read that Manifestors ‘repel’ with their aura. As a Manifestor I dislike that language I’d prefer to say we can be hard to read!

Whereas Reflector Types are completely open and take in all energy and filter. They sample other people’s energy and mirror back what they receive. This is why it’s so important for Reflector’s to always be in situations surrounded by people of their choosing.

A Projector’s aura operates differently again, it’s selective. Projectors auras work best when operating one-to-one, and the recipient must be receptive to their perception. They can see deeply into other people which can be intense and powerful.

Generators’ auras are open, humming and generous. Generators have bountiful energy resources and ample reserves to spread and share!

Manifesting Generators are a hybrid of a Manifestor and a Generator. Initially, they are open and enveloping like a Generator but once focused and doing something they love they close their aura down to avoid interference or distractions in the same way a Manifestor does.

Final thought…

My aura picture is something I will treasure, it’s a tangible representation of my soul’s vibration. I look at the picture and see who I really am and unlike so many other photo’s taken of me over the years I like what’s reflected back. Its photographic confirmation the work I am doing here is completely aligned with my energetic vibration. My overall aura being Light Blue which shows me I’m here to communicate (blue) universal, spiritual truths (white).

If you’d like your own auric photo experience here is where to book an appointment



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